Celebrating International Women’s Day 2024 Breaking down barriers through activism, inclusion and progress
8th March 2024

This IWD was hosted by the University of the West of England and featured the following speakers:
Day opening from Professor Sue Durbin, UWE and Jenny Body, CBE, Past President Royal.
Alta updates from the alta Steering Group:
- Judith Milne, Little Blue Private Jets Limited
- Alessandra Badino, Head of Sustainability UK, Airbus
- Wing Commander Daniela Nowalski, Royal Air Force
- Lauren Barnes, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Royal Aeronautical Society
- College of Business and Law Research Showcase: The Invisible Labour of New Mothers on Maternity Leave, Dr Jenna Pandeli, Dr Mahwish Khan, Dr Chloe Terrabain
Translating women’s vulnerability from words into images: making women’s voice visible in Latin America, Professor Hugo Gaggiotti
Exploring the intersections of gender with ethnicity, race and neurodiversity in Engineering, Dr Vanda Papafilippou
The fight for equal pay: how women have made a difference, Professor Hazel Conley, University of the West of England
Panel discussion with:
- Bristol Women in Business Charter, Kristal McNamara
- Bristol Women’s Commission, Penny Gane
- Lovewell UK, Claire Dormand
- Women Researchers’ Mentoring Scheme, UWE, Jane Andrews
- Dan Wood, Head of People, UWE
- Alessandra Badino, Airbus, Head of Sustainability UK and alta founder